2005/10/27 | Actionscript 3 - First Steps III
类别(失落的学习) | 评论(0) | 阅读(28) | 发表于 12:48

In First Steps II we have seen, that package local functions can be defined. Now, nosy as i am, i'd really like to know, what exactly a package local function is. A new reflection function flash.util.describeType comes to rescue. It returns a xml object containing all the information available about a particular object.

package {
import flash.util.trace;
import flash.util.describeType;
import flash.display.MovieClip;

public var surname:String = "Mueller";

public function willi(){
trace("willi " + surname + " was here");


public class Test extends MovieClip {
public function Test() {
trace("Test " + describeType(willi));

Take a look at the console to see all the information given. Now how great is that!
